Full server info Interlude x999k
- Custom Interlude
- Rates х100k
- Auto-farm system
- All additions are hand-made.
- A unique game world, no time to be bored!
- You can use Community Board (ALT+B)
- The character gets 80 lvl on creation
- A unique start - straight into the thick of it!
- RPG System - you can deeply customize your character
- Killer NPCs - almost like real players, but with useful drop
- Zones with dualbox restrictions
- Raid Bosses with fixed damage
- Zones with PK-guards
- All donate items you can get in a game way
- Zones with restricted donate-items
- Clan battles for reputation and clan Bosses
- Highlighting the best PvP players, choosing the top farmer, voting for the best and worst server player
- Our own event "Roll the Dice", held by Admin
- Every day from 22:05 to 22:00 of the next day, each player can vote for some other player.
- All votes checked by HWID
- You can vote at NPC Adron (PvP Manager), or using the chat command .votetop. Also, after 22:00 you'll get a notification.
- The best player get Leader's Mark (+3% to all stats) for 24 hours.
- The system is created for helping newbies. Help other players and motivate them to vote for you with command .votetop. You can check vote ranking in ALT+B
- Some farm zones are limited by time. You can use them from 120 to 360 minutes per day.
- Limits reset once per day, during morning server auto-restart
- You can reset the limit for each zone for 1 Donate Coin
How Limited Zones looks like in Community Board

- Don't waste your time enchanting! Success enchant rate from 0 to +80 is 100%
- You can get Enchant Scrolls from Farm Zones (chance 2%)
- Or you can buy it at Farm Shop
- On character creation, you get 20 Armor and 20 Weapon enchant scrolls (it cannot be traded)
- Each scroll gives +10 to your item enchant level
- To be able to enchant from +80 to +100, you have to use Deluxe Enchant Scroll (100% chance, +1 to enchant level).
-You can get Deluxe Enchant Scroll from various Raid Bosses.
-Element Bosses: Chance of drop Deluxe Weapon Scroll 1-3 (30%); Deluxe Armor Scroll 1-5 (30%)
-Vampire (PvP Zone): Chance of drop Deluxe Weapon Scroll 1-3 (50%); Deluxe Armor Scroll 1-5 (50%)
- The chance to get Skill from Top Grade Life Stone is 15%
- Now you can repeat your enchanting in one click
- You can set Binds
- You can set Active Window
- Appearance from the Essence Client
- And much more other features
Check how the interface looks

- DDOS protection
- Protection from the cheaters and bots
- We guarantee stable server operation 24/7/365
- We don't provide the "shadow" donate
- Events from the Admin with valuable rewards
- Experienced Administration, which leads the development of all elements of the server independently
Each character on creation can choose:
- Character's class
- Dyes sets
- Armor set and jewelry set
- Weapon
- The town where character will appear
- Buffs set

Orius Fighter - +58% P.Def/40% P.Attack/+20 Speed/+23% Attack Speed/+25.000 HP/+10.000 MP/+2DEX.
Orius Mage - +58% P.Def/+40% M.Attack/+15 Speed/+25% Cast.Speed/+20.000 HP/+20.000 MP/+20 Power.M.Crit/+2 WIT.
Saridus Fighter - +65% P.Def/+20 Speed/+85% P.Atack/+36% Attack.Speed/+25% Power.Crit/+40.000 HP/+10.000 MP/+2 DEX.
Saridus Mage - +65% P.Def/+15 Speed/+85% M.Attack/+36% Cast.Speed/+30.000 HP/+80.000 MP/+30% Power.M.Crit/+2 WIT/+2 MEN.
Akronos Fighter - +80% P.Def/+22 Speed/+95% P.Attack/+45% Attack.Speed/+25% Power Crit/+95.000 HP/+10.000 MP/+3 DEX
Dezondus Mage - +105% P.Def/+18 Speed/+245% M.Attack/+43% Casting.Speed/+70.000 HP/+100.000 MP/+65% Power.M.Crit/+2 WIT/+4 INT

- You can buy this armor in the ALT+B shop. This is the starting armor. Depending on your class you have to choose which armor to buy.

- You can buy this armor in the ALT+B shop. This is the second level of the armor. To get it, you must have armor lvl 1.

- The third level of the armor allows your character to be unique. You can choose one of five colors for your equipment. All the set must be the same color for the set bonus. In the future, you can change the color of your armor at the special NPC.

- The fourth level of the armor doesn't have the full set. But significantly increases the stats of the armor lvl 3. You also need to observe the color compatibility mode of the sets.
Dash - +300 to Run Speed for 15 sec.
Reflect - Reflects 100% of melee damage. Decreases the damage from archers by 50%.
Frost - Decreases the Run Speed of your target by 250, the chance is 100%.
Poisoning - Burns up by 15.000 HP/CP. The skill duration is 15 sec. The chance is 100%.
Healer - Imeddiately recovers 70% HP. Additionally heals 6000 HP per second. The skill duration is 30 sec.
Shock - Stun your target with a chance of 100%. Available for use with a bow only.
Immune - Full immune to all debuffs. The skill duration is 30 sec.
Invisible - 5 seconds of full invisibility. The cooldown is 5 min. Available when using Necklace of Gods Valakas
Invul - 10 seconds of full invulnerability. Cooldown is 5 minutes. Available when using Earring of Gods Antharas
Healer - Allows being fully healed once per 5 minutes. Available when using Earring of Gods Zaken
Deadly Blow - Gives tons of damage, capable of killing with a single blow. Available when using Ring of Gods Baium
Resurrection - Gives you the Salvation Effect. The cooldown is 5 min. Available when using Ring of Gods Ant Queen
Warrior Mastery - You have a chance to slow down your target during an auto-attack (-30% to Run Speed, - 20 Evasion). The target slowed down from 1 to 10 sec. The buff duration time is 5 min. Cooldown - 20 min.
Wizard Mastery - You have a chance to slow down your target during a magical attack (-30% to Run Speed, - 20 Evasion). The target slowed down from 1 to 10 sec. The buff duration time is 5 min. Cooldown - 20 min.
Chance of Position - allows swapping positions with your target. The success rate is 50%. Cooldown - 10 min.
Second Breath - Removes from yourself all debuffs. Cooldown - 10 min.
Absolut Reflect - Self Buff. It allows reflecting all debuffs back to your enemy. The buff duration is 2 min. Cooldown - 10 min.
Traitor's Mark - Debuff. If a character receiving this debuff is in the party, the damage received by this character is distributed among all party members. The success rate is 20%. Cooldown 2 min.
Rune of Gods - Can be purchased at NPC Lucifer. +100.000 (HP,CP,MP) +30 Run Speed. The rune duration is 10 days.
Rune of Speed - Drops to the whole party which made the last hit to RB Agron. +50 Run Speed. The rune duration is 20 hours.
Rune HP/CP - Drops to the whole party which made the last hit to RB Arius. +50.000 HP/CP. The rune duration is 20 hours.
Winner Rune - Can be obtained by winning in Auto Events. +10% P/M Attack, +20.000 HP, +3% P/M Attack.Speed. The rune duration is 60 min.
Destorus Rune - Can be dropped from RB Arius with a chance of 10%. +8% to all stats, +30 Run Speed. +10% to resist all debuffs. Timeless.
Farm Coin - Can be obtained in Farm Locations
Enhancement Core - You can get it in exchanger at the special shop.
Raid Boss Coin (RBC) - RBC zone
Event Coin - Receive rewards for participating in Auto Events.
Feather of Flight - Teleport from Global GK to the special zone
Fire Stone - You can get it by killing Element Raid Bosses. You can teleport there at NPC Lucifer
Earth Stone - You can get it by killing Element Raid Bosses. You can teleport there at NPC Lucifer
Water Stone - You can get it by killing Element Raid Bosses. You can teleport there at NPC Lucifer
Skill Coin - can be obtained by winning in Auto Events or by killing guards in PvP Zones.
Vote Coin - you can get it by voting in MMOTop for our server
Alloy of War - You can get it by killing the Raid Boss Vampire. You can go there at NPC Aid.
Rektor - Drop 0-2 Donate Coin. Respawn 3 hours. Teleport in ALT+B. Fixed damage to RB (1 unit)
Agathion Boss - Random spawn in the Balanced PvP Zone and in the PvP Zone with restricted Donate items. You'll get a crystal that can be exchanged to Agathion. Fixed damage to RB (1 unit)
Armaros - Special Boss, that can be summoned only between 21.00 and 22.00 (Kyiv time). Appears in the special PvP Zone
Super Clan Raid Boss - Appears in the separated PvP location. You can get yourself there through the Global GK. Respawn time is 4 hours and the reward is 10k clan reputation
Arius - Super Raid Boss. It can drop any item from Donate Shop. Respawn is 24 hours. Teleport in Alt+B.
Destorus Raid Boss - Random spawn in all PvP zones. The reward is 5k clan Reputation. Respawn is 220 minutes. Fixed damage to RB (1 unit)
Top Clan Raid Boss - Appears every day at 18:15 and at 22:15 (Kyiv time). You can get The Mark of Excellence, which can be exchanged for a new skill. Appears in the Armaros zone (Teleport in Alt+B)
Aria - Drops equip lvl 4. The respawn is 8 hours. Teleport in Alt+B.
Hero - Respawn time is 12 hours. The reward is Hero status for 12 hours to the whole party, that made the last hit. Teleport in ALT+B.
Premium - Respawn time is 12 hours. The reward is Premium status for 12 hours to the whole party, that made the last hit. Teleport Alt+B.
Neptun, Agron, Gefest, War Queen 70% - available in the Instance zones. Teleport at NPC Lucifer
Neptun, Argon, Gefest, War Queen 60% - each boss respawn time is 2 hours. You cannot wear donate items in their zones. Teleport at NPC Lucifer. PvP zone
Sferoid - Appears in the PvP zone with restrictions. You can get a sphere for coloring items. Respawns every day at 14:00 and 19:00 (Kyiv time).
Argos - Respawns every day at 20:00 (Kyiv time). Droplist: Donate Helmet and Run Rune (for 24 h) to the whole party. Fixed damage to RB (1 unit)
Vampire - Respawn time is 50 minutes. Drops one item to the whole party that made the last hit. Teleport in Alt+B
Vampire 2 - Respawn time is 50 minutes. Drops one item to the whole party that made the last hit. Teleport in Alt+B. Donate items restricted
Antharas - Respawn time is 24 hours. Respawns every day at 20:50 (Kyiv time). Телепорт в Alt+B. Fixed damage to RB (1 unit)
Valakas - Respawn time is 24 hours. Respawns every day at 20:40 (Kyiv time). Телепорт в Alt+B. Fixed damage to RB (1 unit)
Baium - Respawn time is 24 hours. Respawns every day at 20:30 (Kyiv time). Телепорт в Alt+B. Fixed damage to RB (1 unit)
Zaken - Respawn time is 24 hours. Respawns every day at 20:20 (Kyiv time). Телепорт в Alt+B. Fixed damage to RB (1 unit)
Queen Ant - Respawn time is 24 hours. Respawns every day at 20:10 (Kyiv time). Телепорт в Alt+B. Fixed damage to RB (1 unit)
+ 7 Skill Coins (10 with premium)
+ 2 Event Coins (3 with premium)
+ Wizard buff
+ Warrior buff
+ 4 Top Grade Life Stones
+ Winner Rune (+10% P/M Attack, +20.000 HP, +3% P/M Attack.Speed. Rune duration time is 25 minutes)
The losers team gets:
+ 4 Skill Coin (5 with premium)
+ 1 Event Coin (2 with premium)
+ Wizard buff
+ Warrior buff
+ 1 Life Stone Top Grade
The best killer additionally gets:
+ 1 Donate Coin
+ 4 Skill Coins
Death Match - starts once per day at 19:00 (Registration opens at 18:55 by Kyiv time)
Winner rewards:
+ 5 Donate Coins
+ 15 Skill Coins (17 with premium)
+ 4 Event Coins (5 with premium)
+ Wizard buff
+ Warrior buff
+ 5 Top Grade Life Stones
Losers get:
+ 10 Skill Coins
+ 2 Event Coins
+ 1 Top Grade Life Stone

- You can buy these weapons in the ALT+B shop
- Each weapon has its own bonuses that increase the stats of the character.
- Level 3 weapons are available in different colors.

- You can buy it in the ALT+B shop.
- You get 1 randomly painted Aid weapon from each weapon box.
- You can change the appearance of the weapon at NPC Beauty
- Gives +30% HP/CP; +25% to Attack and other stats.
- You can buy it in the ALT+B shop
- Increases: M.Def/P.Def, M.Atack/P.Atack
- You must have the previous level of the helmet to boost to the next one.
- Increases: M.Def/P.Def, M.Atack/P.Attack It's better than Helmet lvl 3 or Donate Helm
- Can be purchased at NPC Lucifer
- You can buy these Wings in the ALT+B shop
- M.Def/P.Def, M.Atack/P.Atack, Cast.Speed/Atack Speed
- You must have the previous wings level to boost to the next one.
- You can buy it in the ALT+B shop
- Increases: M.Def/P.Def, M.Atack/P.Atack, Cast.Speed/Atack Speed. Better than Wings lvl 3
- You must have the previous wings level to boost to the next one.
- You can buy it in the ALT+B shop
- Increases: P.Attack/M.Attack, Run Speed. On enchanting increases: Casting Speed, Attack Speed, P.Attack/M.Attack
- You must have the previous level of the tattoo to boost to the next one.
- You can buy it in the ALT+B shop
- Jewelry lvl 4 can be dropped from Epic Raid Bosses (its have their own skills and better stats)
- Gives the unique look to your armor. More than 10 types of Costumes
- Add HP, CP, and Run Speed
- Can be purchased in ALT+B store



- The Olympiad is classic. All custom items are automatically removed
- Enchant level of all items resets to +6
- Issuing Hero status every 10 days
- Service Manager has a service "Hero status to all sub classes"
- Nobless Gate Pass Shop changed

- Auto announces 2 minutes before each Raid Boss spawns
- Some Bosses have respawn only at a certain time (you can check this info below)
- You get a request to teleport to the Boss when it appears
- Анти-Пк на самых важных боссах

- 3 castles can be sieged
- Any clan can participate without registration
- If your clan has a castle, you automatically become a defender of all castles
- You get Clan Reputation during sieges
- Reward - 50.000 Clan Reputation
- Aden siege on Saturday. Rune siege on Sunday
+ Passive castle skill - increases all stats by 4%; +30 Run Speed; +40.000 HP
- Reward - 30.000 Clan Reputation
- Dion siege on Sunday
+ Passive castle skill - increases all stats by 3%; +20 Run Speed; +30.000 HP
- All events in classic S-Grade equip
- Max enchant rate is +100
- Auto buffs to the both teams
- Run Speed buff added for more action
- Anti AFK system
- Skill Snipe restricted
- Winner rewards: Event Coin, Skill Coin, Wizard and Warrior buffs
- The best killer of the event additionally gets 2 Skill Coins (3 with premium)
- Also, the best killer gets 1 Donate Coin
Team VS Team - Starts every 60 minutes. Registration begins at 55 minutes of each hour (except 18:55)
The winning team gets:

The losers team gets:

The best killer additionally gets:

Death Match - starts once per day at 19:00 (Registration opens at 18:55 by Kyiv time)
Winner rewards:

Losers get:

- Your clan gets 7th level on creation
- One clan members limit - 20
- You get 30 Clan Reputation for each kill of the war clan member
- For getting a clan bonus, visit NPC Clan Bonus
- All clan skills have 1 level only instead of 3
- One clan skill costs 7.500 Clan Reputation
- One custom clan skill costs 50.000 Clan Reputation
- All clan skills have a duration time of 7 days
- You can check the skills expiration time with a command .cs into the chat
- By killing Raid Bosses : (Rektor - 500 CRP, Arius - 7000 CRP, Gefest- 500 CRP, Queen of War - 500 CRP, Agron - 500 CRP, Premium - 500 CRP, Hero - 500 CRP, Neptun- 500 CRP, Color Name - 500 CRP, Potion Drop - 500 CRP, Barakiel - 500 CRP, Vampire - 500 CRP, Super Clan Raid Boss - 10.000 CRP, Clan RB 2 - 2500 CRP), Armaros - 20.000 CRP)
- For conquering castles Aden/Rune - 50.000 CRP, Dion - 30.000 CRP
Clan HP +22.000 HP (costs 50.000 Clan Reputation)
Clan CP +40.000 CP (costs 50.000 Clan Reputation)