

Drop Box - Can be obtained with a certain chance by killing opponents during events: Team VS Team/Mob Hunters/Death Match.
Random drops include items such as: Shard of Stone/Gemstone
Farm Coin - Can be obtained in farm locations, as well as from
Chests of Fortune.
Farm Bar Coin - A coin that can be exchanged for 100kk
Farm Coin.
Raid Boss Coin (RBC) - RBC zone Teleport Alt+B/Teleport/Farm Zones/RBC Zone;
RBC Boss Teleport Alt+B/Teleport/Raid Bosses, as well as from Chests of Fortune.
Event Coin - Earn rewards for participating in Automatic Events, as well as from
Chests of Fortune.
Flight Feather - Teleport Alt+B/Teleport/Farm Zones/Feather Farm.
Skill Coin - Obtained by participating in automatic events or killing PvP zone guards.
Also drops from certain Raid Bosses and as a reward for daily quests .dq
PvP Coin - Can be obtained for killing in PvP, as well as from
Chests of Fortune.
Gemstone - Can be obtained from Dragon/Leviofan/Demon mobs in the Purge, and from
Drop Box.
Teleport Alt+B/Teleport/Farm Zones/Purge PvP or Dragon PvE.
Tear Angel Coin - Needed for purchasing level 4 items. Can be obtained by killing Angel mob in Paradise.
War Alloy - Can be obtained by killing the Raid Boss "Vampire", performing daily quests .dq
You can reach the Vampire through Alt+B/Teleport/Raid Bosses/Vampire
Fire Stone - Can be obtained by killing Elemental Raid Bosses.
Teleport from NPC: Alt+B/Teleport/Raid Bosses/Elemental Bosses.
Earth Stone - Can be obtained by killing Elemental Raid Bosses.
Teleport from NPC: Alt+B/Teleport/Raid Bosses/Elemental Bosses
Water Stone - Can be obtained by killing Elemental Raid Bosses.
Teleport from NPC: Alt+B/Teleport/Raid Bosses/Elemental Bosses
Shard of Elemental Stone - Can be obtained by killing a Raid Boss in an instance zone, and from
Drop Box.
You can enter the instance through NPC Lucifer, located near NPC Dante.
Sferoid - Required for dyeing any part of the costume.
Can be obtained by killing a raid boss or purchased from NPC Murdor/Beauty.
Sferoid Shard Coin - Can be obtained by killing the Raid Boss Sferoid PvE
Teleport/Raid Bosses/Peaceful Bosses, and exchange for Sferoid at the exchanger.

Required for purchasing Level 4 Jewelry.

Fortune Coin - Required for visiting the Fortune Abyss.
Can be purchased in the Personal Account in the Luck Coins section.
Destorus Coin - Must be obtained through gameplay.
Donate Coin - Donation Currency. To obtain it, visit the donation section.
Can be obtained in-game by completing .dq quests and by killing certain Raid Bosses on the server.
Low Flame Coin,
Mid Flame Coin,
Top Flame Coin
Coins that can be obtained during special promotions in the personal account.
Follow our promotions on Discord channels.